Project Manager in Wärtsilä

Each Project Manager in Wärtsilä shares same job description with same accountabilities, main responsibilities, development responsibilities and needed skills and competencies required in the project manager's position even tough Wärtsilä has divided projects into three categories: customer delivery projects, product related development projects and operational development projects. (Wärtsilä intranet 21.3.2011)

- Accountable for the successful leadership of the project organisation
- Accountable for quality, delivery, time, cost and scope in the project
- Accountable for creation, development and definition of project plan and for managing the  project in accordance with project plan and customer equirements / customer contract
- Accountable for maintaining and improving the customer relationship
- Accountable for applying the Project Management Best Practices of the rganisation
- Accountable for demonstrating that his/her project management performance is 
   in compliance with Wärtsilä Project Management Methodology and Business irectives

Main responsibilities:
- Ensure with project owners that scope (features/functionality) is explicitly defined  nd documented (Scope Management)
- Maintain integrity of scope and obtain approval for scope change (Scope Mangement)
- Ensure that the project fulfils stakeholder expectations (Quality Management)
- Ensure the quality of the deliverables of the project (Quality Management)
- Maintain overall performance of the project (Quality Management)
- Obtain approval on baseline schedule and any revisions to it (Time Management)
- Work with Owner/Sponsor to obtain initial budget (Cost Management)
- Obtain proactively further funding if needed (Cost Management)
- Manage project within agreed budget (Cost Management)
- Encourage team to identify all project issues and risks (Risk Management)
- Perform risk analysis and develop risk response plans (Risk Management)
- Manage risk mitigation in accordance with risk response plan (Risk Management)
- Lead with ultimate responsibility procurement of all products, resources and 
  materials necessary to successfully complete project (Procurement Management)
- Maintain open communication with suppliers/procurement to ensure quality roducts/services from suppliers (Procurement Management)
- Communicate with entire organisation, from the project team to the executive 
  level. Ensure that timely information is available to stakeholders (Communication 
- Negotiate conflict resolution when needed, between team members or business 
  partners (Communication Management)
- Communicate with project organisation the task priorities (Communication 
- Ensure that project plan and processes are followed throughout project; 
  negotiating with owner/sponsor or key stakeholders should modifications to the
  plan become necessary (Integration Management)
- Resolve conflict within project team (HR Management)
- Boost morale and reward project victories i.e. hitting milestone dates (HR 
- Negotiate with project owner/sponsor to obtain scarce resources or materials 
  (HR Management)
- Promote team buying and support of the project (HR Management)
- Support project initiator, sponsor or owner with cost and risk management in 
  selected projects before a contract is signed or project is chartered (General   
- Ensure that project is closed according to project management   
  methodology and identify and archive the Best Practices used during the
  project by lessons learned

Development responsibilities:
- Participate in development and improvement of project management processes, 
  methodology, tools and competence development
- Develop and promote Best Practises for organizational use
- Participate in development of Customer Excellence Processes (Wärtsilä 
  Business Processes) within their Key Process Areas
- Develop continuously customer relationships

(Wärtsilä intranet 21.3.2011)